In Depth Movement

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The Case for Athletic, Explosive, Plyometric, Power-Based Training for the Non-Athlete

Introduction to Power-Based Training for Health, Wellness, and Longevity

When most people think about athletic, explosive, plyometric, or power-based training, they often picture professional athletes or high-intensity sports. The truth is, these training methods offer incredible benefits for everyone looking to be the best they can be, not just those aiming for the 2028 Olympics Breakdancing Gold.

This blog post dives into why explosive training can be a game-changer for your fitness routine, regardless of your current fitness level or goals.

But hold on…

"I'm not an athlete."

You don't need to be an athlete to train like one. Athletic training isn't reserved for professionals; it's about improving your overall physical capabilities. Strength, agility, and coordination are still needed for playing with your kids, gardening, or simply moving around more efficiently.

 "I don't want to be athletic."

Developing athleticism doesn't mean you'll suddenly find yourself on a football field. It means having a body that's capable, resilient, and ready for whatever life throws at it. Whether it's lifting heavy grocery bags, climbing stairs without getting winded, or recovering quickly from a stumble, training for athleticism enhances your quality of life.

 "I'm afraid of hurting myself and/or exploding."

It's natural to be concerned about injury, but avoiding physical activity altogether isn't the solution. Properly supervised, progressive training reduces injury risk by strengthening muscles, improving joint stability, and enhancing balance. The cost of doing nothing is far greater—sedentary lifestyles lead to decreased muscle mass, weaker bones, and a higher risk of chronic conditions. Good fitness programming focuses on safe, gradual progressions - meeting you where you're at to ensure you build strength and power without unnecessary risk.

 "I'm not good at this."

It's okay to feel apprehensive about starting something new, especially if you think you won't be good at it. However, waiting until you're "good" at something before you start is a paradox—you can't improve without beginning the journey. Every expert started as a beginner. Embracing the learning process and being open to self-improvement are crucial for growth. Trying new things is not only about improving physically but also about the joy and satisfaction of pursuing something worthwhile and earning improved confidence in your ability to adapt.

Morgan should've done some more plyometrics.

Game Changers

Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!

One of the most significant benefits of incorporating power-based training into your routine is its impact on longevity and quality of life. As we all age, our ability to generate and absorb power diminishes, making falls more dangerous and recovery slower. Training that focuses on power production and absorption helps maintain muscle mass, improve bone density, and enhance balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and injuries.

Power Production and Absorption

Exposing yourself to dynamic, high-rate forces through power-based exercises teaches your body to handle these stresses safely and effectively. Did you know that explosive movements can generate rates of force development (RFD) that are 3 to 8 times higher than those produced in slower, heavier compound lifts? This significant increase in RFD improves your ability to generate force quickly, essential for tasks like catching yourself when you trip or lifting a heavy object off the ground. It also enhances your ability to absorb force, protecting your joints and muscles from injury during sudden movements. In reality, you should do both power work and heavy compound lifts to get the most bang for your buck.

Creating Movement Options

Incorporating explosive and plyometric exercises introduces your body to a variety of movement patterns and stimuli. This diversity helps prevent injuries by preparing your muscles, tendons, and joints to handle different types of physical stress. It also makes your workouts more engaging and less monotonous, increasing the likelihood you'll stick with your fitness routine.

Fun New Ways of Training

Athletic, explosive, and plyometric training opens up a world of fun and challenging exercises. From box jumps and sprint intervals to battle ropes and plyo push-ups, these workouts are not only effective but also exciting. They keep you engaged, motivated, and looking forward to each session.

3 Beginner Movements

Assisted Pogo’s

Assisted Pogo’s involve bouncing lightly on your feet with the assistance of support (e.g., holding onto a wall, rail, or resistance band). This movement is low-impact and allows beginners to safely develop rhythm, timing, and calf strength without initial, excessive stress on the joints. It introduces the concept of power production in a controlled manner, making it accessible for those new to explosive exercises.


Landings involve practicing how to absorb force effectively by jumping slightly off the ground and focusing on a soft, controlled landing. Proper mechanics for absorbing impact are needed for preventing injuries during more advanced explosive movements or unpredictable moments in real life. It’s a foundational skill that builds joint stability and muscle control. Good force absorption and appropriate stimulus isn’t dependent only on height of the drop - as always, start small, progress over time, and practice good technique.

Med Ball Slams

Med Ball Slams involve lifting a medicine ball overhead and slamming it down to the ground with force. This engages the whole body in a powerful, yet straightforward movement. It’s easy to learn and provides an excellent introduction to explosive power while also being low-impact. It helps improve coordination and core strength as you learn effective hinging and breathing throughout the motion. It’s a great stress reliever as well.

Final Thoughts

Not everyone is an athlete and not everyone needs to be athletic, but most qualities of strength training can be tied directly to long-term health and strength. The truth is, adding some explosive, power-based training to your routine isn’t just for those chasing medals or touchdowns.

Build a body that can handle whatever life throws at you—whether it’s catching yourself from a stumble, lugging around heavy grocery bags, or just feeling more confident in your movements. The benefits go beyond just getting stronger; you’re also setting yourself up for better balance, stronger bones, and a body that’s ready to move and groove well into your bucket list.

So, why not mix things up a bit? Start where you are, have some fun with it, and watch how a little power can go a long way in boosting your everyday life.

For those in the Tampa and St. Petersburg area looking to enhance their physical capabilities and overall fitness, we offer specialized programs incorporating athletic, explosive, plyometric, and power-based training tailored to your needs. Whether you're aiming for general strength improvement, dynamic yoga sessions, or innovative fitness routines, our classes provide the perfect environment for growth and fun. Join our popular fitness programs and start your journey towards a stronger, more athletic you today. Contact us now to elevate your fitness and embrace a more powerful way of training!