Explosive Power for Soccer Players: Strength Training for Better Performance

Introduction to Explosive Power and Athleticism in Soccer

Explosive power can change the course of the game. Shooting with force, jumping for headers, and making rapid changes in direction to evade opponents or intercept the ball are key moments in the game that have to be won. Improving explosive power enables players to execute these movements more effectively and with greater impact.

However its important to note that power doesn't exist in a vacuum.

  • More muscle means you have a larger base of motor units that can be trained for strength, giving you more potential to exert force, which you do when you run and sprint.

  • More strength means you have greater reserves, which can be tapped into for explosive power during intense moments like sprints or jumps.

  • Power is where strength and speed combine, allowing you to move forcefully and quickly, which is crucial for those explosive plays.

  • Conditioning ensures your engine can run efficiently, maintaining speed and power throughout the match, whether it's sustaining high-intensity efforts or recovering quickly between plays.

This is you with good strength and conditioning.

Energy Systems and Strength in Soccer

Soccer is a sport that requires a blend of different energy systems and qualities, as players need to sustain effort for 90 minutes while also performing short bursts of high-intensity actions. The car analogy is a simple way to understand this synergy.



Develop the engine's endurance for sustained performance across the game.

Anaerobic Glycolysis

Boost the engine's capacity for high-intensity efforts during sprints and tackles.

ATP-PC (Phosphagen) System

Tap into the engine’s immediate, high-powered reserves for short, explosive bursts like jumps and quick direction changes.



Build a big, sturdy frame (car body) to support the engine and all its components, essential for physical resilience on the field.

Maximal Strength

Enhance the frame's ability to withstand and generate greater forces, needed for physical confrontations, ball control, and virtually every part of the game.


Maximize the frame's efficiency to transmit energy for explosive movements, vital for quick accelerations, jumps, and dynamic actions.

This training could be better.

These players have always and will always be way more skilled in soccer than I’ll ever be.

However, this specific exercise and style of training lacks focus in the general athletic quality it’s looking to develop.

If you’re thinking “stability,” you should consider that a strong foundation of muscle mass, joint specific strength, and force production is way more effective than the limited, under-dosed stimulus that a Bosu Ball + Resistance Band Pallof Raise provides.

Soccer is played on solid ground and the dynamic forces you run into are much more intense than this.

An Example Strength and Power Session:


Start with a dynamic warm-up to prepare muscles and joints for the intensity of the session. Include mobility drills and light cardiovascular exercises to increase blood flow and ramp up your systems

Main Movements:


  • Continuous Hurdle Jumps: Jump over a series of hurdles without pausing to train the muscles to exert maximum force quickly and repetitively. This can be one part of an overall approach to power endurance.

  • Depth Jumps: Step off a box and immediately jump as high as possible upon landing to build explosive strength by training the stretch-shortening cycle of the muscles.

Weightlifting and Variations:

  • Power Clean: Lift a barbell from the ground to the shoulders in one explosive movement, developing overall athletic power crucial for jumping and sprinting.

  • Kettlebell Clean: A different variation of the barbell clean that utilizes the same muscles and movement pattern. A good alternative for those that haven't quite gotten the technical details of the barbell version yet

Squats and Variations:

  • Barbell Squats: Build lower body strength, essential for explosive movements. Your engine has to have capacity and strength before finetuning its horsepower

  • Push Press: A full-body exercise that builds explosive power by coordinating lower body, core, and upper body. A valuable tool for players who need to develop the capacity to generate and transfer force efficiently; ie: all players


  • Neck Work: A strong neck is crucial for reducing the risk of concussions and withstanding physical contact during headers and collisions. Exercises like isometric neck holds and prone bodyweight flexion/extension/rotations can reinforce neck stability and strength.

  • Arm Work: Yes, soccer is a lot of running but your ability to literally and figuratively out-muscle your opposition is a strong component of any players and teams strategy. Physicality is not just physical but mental and tactical. Don’t forget your bicep curls and triceps extensions.

  • High Impact Areas: Focusing on high-impact areas such as the knees, shoulders, and lower back is key for both strength and injury prevention. Exercises should be chosen based on individual needs and the specific demands placed on these joints. For example, rotator cuff exercises for shoulder stability or knee range of motion drills allows you to play for the long term

Cool Down and Stretching

Finish the session with a cool-down period that includes stretching and any additional mobility work to effectively down regulate the body and aid in muscle recovery.

This is good training.

Heavy compound lifts train the player to produce effective, maximal force which enables the power and conditioning developed over the year. Physicality is also an aspect of the game that shouldn’t be underestimated.

This player crushes me on the pitch.

Do Different Positions in Soccer Need Explosive Power More Than Others?

Different positions may emphasize various aspects of explosive power:


Needs exceptional explosive power for shooting, quick sprints, and jumping for headers. Training focuses on plyometrics and lower body strength.


Require a balance of endurance and explosive power, as they cover the most ground. Agility drills and a mix of aerobic and anaerobic conditioning are crucial.


Needs explosive power for quick bursts to intercept passes, strong tackles, and aerial duels. Emphasis on lower body and core strength combined with agility drills.


Requires explosive power for diving saves, jumping for crosses, and powerful kicks. Focus on plyometric exercises, upper body strength, and reaction drills.

Final Thoughts

Soccer players should incorporate strength training to build foundational athletic qualities. A focus on explosive power inevitably should lead to attention to the other qualities. If it seems that some of the recommended training applications above for a specific position is transferable to another it’s because… they are.

Positional and sport-specificity are relevant especially in a game-strategy context, but in strength training the overall goal is to build general athletic qualities. The balance in training allocation needed is variable based on the level of the athlete and on the individual athletes themselves.

Many players get some power work through regular practice and sprints. Balancing all training stressors is important for performance and longevity. Collaborating with a dedicated strength and conditioning specialist helps refine the when, how, and overall path towards better performance.

Commit to enhancing your explosive power and athleticism to prepare for the upcoming season and showcase your skills on the field. For those in the Tampa and St. Petersburg area, we offer specialized fitness programs and classes tailored to your needs—whether you're looking to improve general strength, enhance your yoga practice, or boost youth fitness. Our sessions provide the perfect environment for growth, helping you become a stronger, more explosive soccer player. Join us today and start your journey toward improved performance and fitness!


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